Things to do in Mission Beach
Wow there are so many things to do in Mission Beach, listed here is but a few courtesy of the Mission Beach Visitor Information Centre. Below is a quick précis on the things to do and see in Mission Beach all year round. For more in depth information follow the links.
- Enjoy 14km of golden sandy palm fringed beaches
- Hire a bicycle and enjoy cycling along rainforest trails or along the esplanade and enjoy the magnificent views of the outlying islands and resorts over the Coral Sea
- Take a day trip to the Great Barrier Reef and snorkel or try a scuba dive, ride around in a glass bottom boat viewing the fish and coral
- OMG White water rafting is so much fun and the famous Tully River is the place to do it. Be prepared to be scared in the peak of the Green Season
- There are so many hiking trail maps you can pick up at the Mission Beach Visitor Information Centre which shows all of the rain forest walking trails that you can do by yourself. Just make sure you tell someone where and when you are going and what time you are expected to be home
- Stay well away from the native wildlife and give them their space as they see you as a predator and they may advance toward you if they feel threatened by your presence
- Take a break on Dunk Island resort for the day by water taxi or ferry. You get to laze on the beaches under the palm trees with a cocktail, enjoy the water sports activates such as a Jet Ski tour around the island and learn the islands history. Go for a horse ride, have a serious game of golf or just a hit and giggle. Try your hand at archery, table tennis, or just sit back and enjoy a nice lunch on the beach drinking fine wines and champagnes under the shade of the palm trees
- Dunk Island resort is a place where you take it as it comes and just sit back and take it all in as fast as you can
- Are you a keen fisherman or woman then you are in the right place. Mission Beach is well known for its giant Marlin fishing grounds, Sailfish, Mud crabbing, Barramundi, Prawns and offers lots and lots of other great game fish and estuary fishing in the region
- How about a spooky night cruise on the Hull River with and experienced guide looking for the ferocious saltwater crocodile? Just do not put your arms over the side
- You can even hire your own dinghy and do your own fishing tour in south Mission Beach and fish in the Hull River or go around and explore Dunk Island and the resorts facilities
- Hire a Catamaran or surf ski from South Mission Beach and have lots of fun on the front beach
- Learn to scuba dive or for experienced scuba divers take the time to explore the "Lady Bowen" shipwreck and learn her secrets from the depths of the Coral Sea
- If you are feeling fit then a guided kayaking tour may just be the thing for you
- Are you feeling totally adventurous then why not try Skydiving and jump out of a perfectly good plane at 14,000 feet and land on the pristine beachfront? Seems sensible to me
- How about you take the time to learn a little bit about the indigenous life of Mission Beach at the interpretive display in Butterfly Park, South Mission Beach
- How about taking a close up peek at the local crocodile farm at Innisfail and choose a new pair of shoes and matching belt (just joking lol)
- If you like wine then Murdering Place is the place to be whether you like it's name or not it's definitely a place that needs to be on your list of must do's in Mission Beach and surrounds
- The time of year to visit the Tully Sugar Mill is during the peak crushing season of June to November. The smell of fresh molasses permeates the air. If you have allergies make sure you arm yourselves with antihistamines before you go
- Make sure you pick up a map from the Mission Beach Visitor Information Centre so you can follow the waterfall circuit trail for the Tablelands that are clearly marked by brown signs with white writing. Drop into the local historic hotels for lunch or afternoon tea and have a chat with the cool locals as it will surely make your day interesting
- Are you a mad golfer that cannot go on holidays without a championship golf course nearby to challenge your prowess then you have a choice of two golf courses the first being the Tully Golf Club or the El Arish Country Club. Great fun for a serious game or just a hit and giggle
- Hop on a bus and take a guided tour to down to Cardwell and across to the Worlds largest National Park Island of Hinchinbrook
- Whilst in Mission Beach you must visit Queensland's number one must see tourist attraction Paronella Park. Voted by tourists as the most memorable, amazing, beautiful day out. If you have no idea on what I am talking about it's a Spanish castle built in the rainforest with a beautiful love story and history that goes with it
- Go hiking and enjoy swimming in local swimming holes free from salt water crocodiles. Pick up some maps from the Mission Beach visitor information centre and ask some local advice on the best hiking trails
- Take an extended 4WD tour or hire a car and drive out to the Undara Lava Tubes for a night? This journey will take you four hours and you are well advised to pre-book your accommodation and your guided tour in advance. These Lava Tubes are one on Mother Nature's natural wonders
- For some fresh air and excitement book in for a beach horse ride along Kurrimine Beach or on a cattle property near Tully it's so much fun for the whole family Do you like the wind in your hair? Then book to go sailing on "The Other Side" cruising the local coast and beautiful islands for a day or take a sunset cruise with Dunk and Island Sails
- Take a drive and visit the regions newest tourist attraction the MaMu Canopy walkway. A huge metal walkway constructed along the path of destruction from Cyclone Larry so that no trees were harmed in its construction. It's an Ariel walkway to take you to elevated points so you can see thru the rainforest valleys and over the tops of the tree canopy
- Are you looking for a bit of time out or romance then why not book a trip to one of the many islands that dot the coastline for a picnic with Tropical Island Picnics and Camping
- How about a trip to Echo Creek Falls for a guided tour to experience our Indigenous Culture and Dreamtime stories there is so much to learn about our land